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“Supreme Master Ching Hai was born in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and studied in Europe. After that, She worked at the International Red Cross. Through Her work, She encountered much human suffering beyond what any one person could alleviate or eliminate. She had read the Sutras that say, in order to help humanity in the best way possible, one must discover the Truth, understand it clearly, and attain righteousness. So, She made the decision to travel extensively to different countries in search of the Truth. Until finally, in the Himalayas, She found Enlightenment through the practice of the Quan Yin Method. After that, She traveled to practice meditation in various places. One time, while She was meditating in Taiwan (Formosa), one night, a group of people traveled through a rainstorm to find Master and asked Her to give them initiation. She told them she couldn’t give them initiation. They pleaded for Master to give them initiation, citing a dream where a Quan Yin Bodhisattva told them in their dreams that someone would give them initiation. Master then said: ‘Let’s do it like this. If you want me to give you initiation, you must observe a vegan diet and observe the moral precepts for six months.’ Those people had real determination and did as Master asked for six months and returned to see Master again. Master, thus, gave initiation for the first time, on that day. Experiencing the benefits gained from following Master’s teachings, they requested that Master not keep the Truth silent. It should be taught so that more people can benefit from the Quan Yin Method. She began giving lectures and traveling to different countries, lecturing wherever requested, and led by others. Up to now, She has traveled to over a hundred countries and has more than a hundred thousand disciples. Besides giving Dharma talks and lectures and answering questions on spiritual teachings, Master also provides material assistance to alleviate suffering wherever there is a crisis, be it floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions, cold spells, or earthquakes. Master’s actions have gained recognition from many countries. In the United States, Master has been awarded the World Peace Award, the Spiritual Leadership Award, and the World Humanitarian Leadership Award, and has been honored as an honorary citizen of the United States. They also made a bronze statue of Master and placed it in a public place, and October 25 was declared as ‘Supreme Master Ching Hai Day’ to be celebrated annually.”