
Selections from Rashi (vegetarian) Commentary on the Holy Tanakh: Genesis 1:1–1:16, Part 2 of 2

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[And God said: “Let there be lights in the firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years;” ~ Genesis 1:14, Holy Hebrew Bible (Holy Tanakh)] “Rashi on Genesis 1:14 BE THERE LUMINARIES — They had been created on the first day, but on the fourth He commanded them to be suspended in the firmament (Chagigah 12a). Indeed, all the productions of Heaven and Earth were created on the first day, but each of them was put in its place on that day, when it was so commanded.” “TO CAUSE A DIVISION BETWEEN THE DAY AND THE NIGHT — This took place after the primeval (Divine) Light was conserved for the righteous; but during the first seven days of Creation, the primeval light and darkness functioned together both by day and by night. AND THEY SHALL BE FOR SIGNS — When the Heavenly luminaries are eclipsed it is a sign of ill-omen for the world, as it is written, (Jeremiah 10:2) ‘Be not dismayed at the signs of Heaven’ — when you carry out the will of the Holy One, blessed be He, you need apprehend no calamity (Sukkah 29a).”

[And let them be for lights in the firmament of the Heaven to give light upon the Earth’ And it was so. ~ Genesis 1:15, Holy Hebrew Bible (Holy Tanakh)] “Rashi on Genesis 1:15 AND LET THEM BE FOR LIGHTS — They shall serve also this purpose, namely, to give light to the world.”
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