
Prophecy Part 328: Awaken True Love with the Savior to Dissolve Calamity

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“He came to me and said, ‘Brandon, I want you to go on YouTube, and I want you to tell My people that I’m coming … I need you to warn My people of the things that I’ve shown you.’ And, I said, ‘Lord, they’re not going to listen to me.’ He said, ‘Brandon, I need you to do this.’ And I said, ‘I will do it.’”

Reverend Brandon Biggs, from Oklahoma, United States, became famous almost overnight when his prediction of an assassination attempt on His Excellency Donald J. Trump came true in startlingly accurate detail. He had made the prediction in March 2024, four months ahead of the incident.

“I saw an attempt on His life, that this bullet flew by His ear and it came so close to his head that it busted His eardrum. And I saw He fell to His knees during this timeframe, and He started worshipping the Lord. He got radically born again during this timeframe. He becomes really on fire for Jesus, for what I saw coming. And I saw Him winning the presidency.”

“President Trump: There was blood pouring everywhere, and yet, in a certain way, I felt very safe because I had God on my side. I felt that. I stand before you in this arena only by the Grace of Almighty God.”

Moreover, in 2023, Reverend Biggs was told by the Lord to start praying and interceding for a potentially tragic event to take place in Coachella, California.

“The Lord had me pray very hard for Coachella. I kept praying for this word, ‘Coachella, Coachella…’

And I warned you all about the shootings in Coachella.

And I saw mass pow pows, mass pow pows (shootings) happening at Coachella. And the Lord said, ‘I want you to pray over this event that this does not take place.’”

Then on October 12, 2024, when His Excellency Donald Trump was holding a campaign rally in Coachella, California, another attempt on His life was nearly made.

“The police say they’ve prevented an alleged third assassination attempt on the former President Donald Trump in California. A man carrying several guns and fake passes was stopped by police at a rally in Coachella Valley on the weekend.”

Thus, it appears Reverend Biggs’s intercession as instructed by the Lord proved effective. His prediction of Mr. Trump’s winning presidential election also came true.

“Donald Trump will become the 47th president of The United States.”

“Donald Trump, America’s 47th president.”

“Donald Trump will return to the White House in what has been labeled one of the greatest political comebacks in the country's history.”

“President Trump: It’s a political victory that our country has never seen before, nothing like this. I want to thank the American people for the extraordinary honor of being elected your 47th president and your 45th president.”

Regarding unusual weather events in the United States, Reverend Biggs related his visions in March 2024.

And He (God) told me about weather. And He told me, He said there would be great temperature rising in Chicago through New York and some of the other areas up East… And He warned me about storms. Long-track tornadoes… These tornadoes would be the largest tornadoes we’ve ever seen in history, potentially, being long-track tornadoes. And then, He said microbursts. He was talking about 150-mile-per-hour winds would come out of these microbursts… But I just saw a great acceleration of things, even from Passover to Rosh Hashanah, going into the fall (2024) through the United States.

The period between Passover and Rosh Hashanah in 2024 was from April to October, and the accelerated disasters did occur in the foretold regions in those months.

“Last week’s tornadoes like this one in Creal Springs (Illinois) are rewriting the record books here in the Heartland (Central United States). According to the National Weather Service in Paducah, (Kentucky) last Sunday’s storms produced a total of 255 miles (~410 kilometers) of tornado damage across 58 counties.”

“This morning, there’s no relief from the unrelenting heat. As scorching temperatures expand from the Midwest to the Northeast.”

“Eleven cities either tying or hitting record highs on Tuesday, with another 75 heat records poised to fall by the end of the week.”

“Everything that you see happened in all of four minutes.”

The National Weather Service says a microburst during last night’s storm produced winds up to 95 miles per hour (~152.8 kilometers per hour), leaving a 50-yard (~45.7-meter) track of destruction. At least seven homes left unlivable and more than a dozen more damaged.”


Long before becoming famous, Reverend Brandon Biggs was visited by the Lord and shown future events.

“I started seeing in the spirit, like what I’m talking about, when I was 16 years old. All of a sudden, I see pictures, and they come up before me like a movie screen all in front of my face... A lot of times, I’ve had visitations from the Lord personally. And He’ll come and talk to me and tell me about what’s coming.”

While working as a janitor in a local church, Reverend Biggs received a Divine message to reveal his prophetic revelations to the world.

“He came to me and said, ‘Brandon, I want you to go on YouTube, and I want you to tell My people that I’m coming … I need you to warn My people of the things that I’ve shown you.’ And, I said, ‘Lord, they’re not going to listen to me.’ He said, ‘Brandon, I need you to do this.’ And I said, ‘I will do it.’”

Following the Lord’s Instruction, Reverend Biggs started a YouTube channel called “Last Days” (@lastdays247) in July 2021. With his down-to-earth demeanor, he’s been making his insights about the future and urgent messages from the Lord known to the public through this platform.

“I come on here to tell you what the Lord says. And it’s very heavy. It’s a very heavy thing to do. I have people pulling on me a lot. I’m thankful for this calling. I’m thankful to be able to come on here and tell you the hard things.

There’s a great shifting coming to this Earth. The Earth is trembling, the Earth is shaking because this cup of sin is full.

“True judgment is separation from the Lord for eternity, and you need to understand that. What is coming will humble America, humble the people so that he can reach you.

He said ‘I’d rather you be hot or cold. But if you’re lukewarm, I’ll spew you out of my mouth.’”

“He’s not coming back for somebody who has one foot in darkness and one foot in light trying to be riding the fence, He’s either said He want you either hot or He want you cold, because if you’re lukewarm, He said He’d spew you out of His mouth. It was very clear what He said in His Word. It’s time for people to rise up and be hot in these last days.”

“In this Vision, I saw the sun going down, and the spirit of the Lord said to me, He said, ‘Brandon, the Sun is setting on this dispensation of time.’ He said, ‘Everything that humanity has been, this part of it, is coming to an end. The dispensation of Grace is coming to an end, and they're going into the tribulation. The tribulation is about to begin.’ A Great Shaking is coming more than what anybody realizes. People are not prepared for what’s about to happen.

In the Bible, the “Great Shaking” refers to widescale cataclysms that will mark the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of God’s Kingdom.

“…Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the Heavens. The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken – that is, created things – so that what cannot be shaken may remain.”

The Bible also gives advice on how not to be “shaken” during this period of time.

“I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

Speaking directly from his visions and conviction, Reverend Biggs encourages people to repent, have faith, and form a genuine connection with our Heavenly Father during the “shaking” period.

“This dispensation of time is coming to an end. But He wants not that one man should perish, but all come to repentance.”

“Father, I’m calling for more time. Father, for people to repent.”

“Seek Him, like you’ve never sought Him before.”

“Seek Him daily. And have a relationship with Him. And He will become real to you. And He’ll be your best friend. And the best is yet to come, I believe it with all my heart.”

Reverend Brandon Biggs’ Divinely inspired messages are consistent with those from our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan), who has also been calling again and again for people to sincerely repent to God and change their way of life.

“Repent for whatever you have done against those Five Precepts, or the Ten Commandments. And every day, repent sincerely. Repent until you know you really have repented. Praise God to have given you everything, no matter what, bad or good. Everything God arranged, Heaven arranged, is perfect. Just repent, walk the virtuous way, and eat vegan.

“So, please, repent. Do penance. Do repentance. And make peace wherever you can. And pray, pray, pray, pray, pray – pray for yourself, for your soul to be liberated from all this darkness, from all these horrible worlds that are very near our planet, surrounding the planet, and can engulf the planet.

“I forgive humans who sin if they repent. (Thank You, Master.) The Law of Heaven. I could forgive all of them, it’s just that they have to make their own part also. (Yes.) One percent part only, and I do the 99%. (Wow.) If they just repent in their heart, that’s it, they will go to Heaven. (Wow. OK.) Repentance, sincerely.

In our next episode, we’ll continue to explore Reverend Brandon Biggs’ prophecies on global events.

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