
Haha! The Health Benefits of Laughter

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Welcome to Healthy Living, where this week we explore the tremendous health benefits of laughter. Laughing is an innate ability that comes naturally when we feel happy or encounter something funny. However, did you know that the reverse can occur? If we deliberately chuckle out loud, it may bring about a cheerful mood. Scientific evidence has shown that having a moment of good giggles can put us in a state of exuberance and help us in many aspects of life, such as health, mood, and relationships. “Laughing is always good for you even when you force yourself to laugh. The people who are always laughing, and forgiving, and smiling, they live a freer life, free from pain. And even if they have pain, they bear it better because they're used to, the muscles and the cells are used to reacting in a positive way. So, the pain will lessen.”