I don’t dream, but that day I dreamt. […] Anyhow, I looked back, and I saw he was so wounded and swollen, the whole body except the tail part. And I was so broken in my heart. So, I knew. And I was so heartbroken that I knelt down in front of him. I said, “Please, don’t die. Let me die for you.” And I cried for him. I really wanted to die for him. […] I said, “How come? It’s so strange. If you want to die for your loved one or a person, you can understand, but for a snake(-person)! Who has heard of these things? How come it’s such a strange dream?” So the attendant said, “It is because You’re always full of Love. So even in a dream, even for the snake(-person), You would express this kind of attitude and have this kind of mental attitude.” So I was enlightened then, through the attendant. […]
We should demonstrate our inside wisdom by every action in life and daily life. That’s how people know you are wise or not. People know whether you truly practice or not, whether you progress or not. Otherwise, you can boast many things. You can hang all my pictures all over your chest and your hair and your feet and your hand, everywhere to show your devotion, but that won’t fool anyone if your actions, your speech, and your thoughts are so low and harmful. […]
Just yesterday I scolded some guy because he cut one tree. I have a reason for everything. […] If everyone parked one car and cut one tree, can you imagine how long this forest would last with the amount of disciples and cars? Not even two weeks. Each one comes and parks where he wants. And then he doesn’t like the tree in front of his nose, and he just cuts it. And it breaks my saw also. I cannot believe it. And such person also proclaims to be my disciple. How? How do you fit in with my teaching? […] It’s not the mistake, it’s our level. Our practice is so low, and karma is heavy. […]